We analyzed the press coverage that seven horses in this
race (Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Disney+, Hulu, Netflix, WarnerMedia, and
YouTube) received during the month of June. To do so, we considered the 549 articles on Dow Jones/Factiva during June in which the words video and streaming
appeared adjacent to each other. (Factiva is a global news resource with over
32,000 publications.)
Here's what we found:
Total mentions of these seven "horses" slowed to
1101 in June from 1930 in May. Netflix continued to outpace the field with
469 mentions, followed by YouTube with 328. Other horses limped along.
Here's what the mention market share looked like in June.
Here's what the mention market share looked like in June.
Will be exciting to watch the dramatic changes in these graphics over the next several months as the video streaming race heats up.
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